Kluntarna - island in Piteå archipelago

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Båtvy bakåt_SW1
Båtvy bakåt_SW1. © Sofia Wellborg

Kluntarna is the pearl in the outer archipelago and is part of Patta Pekens nature reserve and is only 4 km from the mainland.

The island has an exciting and barren nature with shiny polished slabs, graying rock rubble fields and wind-torn trees. On the rocky island there is also growing a lot of dense deciduous forests. Here you can find both strawberry, cloudberry, the bottom folded wormwood and bitter and sweet night-blooming violets.

A few huts and fishing cabins is the only things that testifies to the island's past as a thriving fishing village. Kluntarna does also have a maze.


  • Natur und Landschaft: Schären



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