Haraholmen industrial site is 750 000 square meters of possibilities. A site for a bright en sustainable future. Welcome to Piteå!
Summery of the area and advantages:
- Site consisting of 750 000 sq m zoned and 800 000 sq m where zoning is initiated.
- Immediately avaliable and ready to build.
- No restrictions on size and/or design.
- Zoned with generous terms.
- The soil consists of peat and silty-sandy moraine.
- Maximum 35 m building height.
- Installed power 40 MW.
- Water/wastewater connection at site boundary.
- Port/railway and road access bordering site.
- Nearby a biobase cluster.
A more complete presentation om Haraholmen:
Welcome to Haraholmen (pdf, 900kB, new window)
Team Piteå
A special team in Piteå will work to support the establishment of your company at Haraholmen, Piteå. Team Piteå will work together with our municipality owned companies, Piteå Port & Hub, Pireva and Pite Energi to make sure that the establishment of your company in Piteå will proceed accordingly to your timeplan.
Team Piteå will work full time with the establishment. The team will be directly under the Mayor and have a special mandate to work throughout the municipality to facilitate the establishment.
The team will prioritize:
- Establishment Questions, support with contact with authorities etc
- Recruitment of staff
- Service for those who move here
- Simple clear contact routes with high service levels
Click Contact + above for more information about Team Piteå.