
Children and family

Ecopark Rosfors, Stina Eriksson
Ecopark Rosfors are a leafy spruce forest landscape in a unique area in Swedish Lapland coastal land with high protection value. Signs and excellent trails will guide you through a fascinating natural environment with many attractions. Attractions include Rosfors, Lustgården, Hällträsk nature re ...
Stina Eriksson
With its own wonderful sandy beaches and shallow water, Gläntan is Piteå's own little beach paradise. From Piteå town centre, drive towards Pite Havsbad on road 506, and turn left towards Haraholmen. Follow the road until you see the sign to Gläntan or Sandängesstranden naturreservat.
+46 0911 933 90 *
At the island of Stenskär, Hansi Gelter
Guide Natura is a Nature´s Best Certified Eco-tourism company based on experience and expertise of the founder, Hansi Gelter, PhD in biology and professor in experience production. The business was established in year 2000 with the goal to share the joy and experience of being in nature and discover ...
+46 076 135 91 11 *
Stina Eriksson
A beautiful recreational area for both young and old. Here you can learn about animals and nature. There is a walking trail, a pond, a barbecue fireplace and an outdoor stage. From Karlbergs park several hiking trails starts. You can choose a trail that's a couple of kilometers up to 17 km. On ...
+46 070 392 50 68 *
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SEARCH FOR CHECKPOINTS AND EXPLORE YOUR SURROUNDINGS WITH HITTAUT Since 2008 Hittaut has attracted thousands of participants to get out and look for checkpoints. Bring the Hittaut map on your walk, bike ride or run and you will activate both body and mind while searching for checkpoints. Perhap ...

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