Grisberget trail and outdoor gym for exercise

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Grisberget Outdoor Gym
Grisberget Outdoor Gym.
  • Grisberget Outdoor Gym
    Grisberget Outdoor Gym.
  • Grisberget Jogging track
    Grisberget Jogging track.
  • Ski trails
    Ski trails. © Arkivbild

Jogging Track centrally located.
2.3 kilometers, 3.5 kilometers and 5.3 kilometers long.
Classical and free style of 2.3 and 3.5 kilometers tracks. Classic style 5.3 kilometers on the track. See map in PDF.
During the winter the track is lighted so you won't be skiing in the dark.
The lighting is switched on via relay dusk and switched off at 22.15 am.



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