Molly Maguire - PDOL on Pensionatet

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Molly Maguire
Molly Maguire. © Pressbild

Good news - During the summer of 2024, Pensionatet has its own festival area at PDOL!
Welcome to Malmgatan for a really good atmosphere and a good party!

Go back in time at the stage at Vinkelhuset with Molly Maguire! The music will bring back memories and the happy days of the 90s at PDOL.
Molly Maguire is really fun and play fast Irish music even though they are from Norrbotten.

Come, it will be fun!

Find ticket information here

Opening hours



Sat 22:00 - 23:00


Malmgatan 11
94131 Piteå

Phone+46 0911 130 20
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