Farm shop
Farm shop

Sweden's only rhubarb farm with a unique self-service shop is situated in the beautiful Alterdalen. We can guarantee that your visit will turn into a a lovely food experience. Here you can find nice edible presents, for example cloudberry jam and rhubarb liquorice. We can also guide you through Al ...
+46 0911 20 40 93 *

At Arnemarks Köttservice you can purchase beef, lamb and pork from the farms around Piteå. We have a close contact with the farmers who we buy the animals from. The animals are sent to liscensed butchers from whom we later pick up the products with our cooling truck. When at our facilities the ...
+46 073 091 16 36 *

Welcome to Avans Lantbruk AB Hortlaxkött! You can buy your beef in our farm shop, produced from the farm's own animals. Avans Landbruk is a modern farm with plenty of different branches. Here we work with breeding of beef animals, sell our locally produced meat, growing crops to feed the a ...
+46 070 331 80 67

Shop your fish in our new Winter shop for the Christmas dinner! Welcome
+46 0911 103 38

Böle Potatoes is a family business where we've been growing potatoes with great care since 1953. The owners Markus Levander and Lisa Nes is the third generation working at the farm. The potato if grown in a sandmixed soil, all for the good taste. All meat comes from the farms own animals who ar ...
+46 070 241 83 72 *

In the shop at Pensionatet we offer products that we have made ourselves and by others nearby, along with things we feel gives inspiration. We love Swedish, local produced and designed products. Buy local! Welcome
+46 076 224 95 80 *

Welcome to Eufåria! We sell lamb hides from the farm, craftmanship products made by leather and wool in the farmshop. We also have art crafts, organic skincare and environmentally friendly house products for purchase. You can order lamb meat from us before the falls slaugther, from the ani ...
+46 070 204 12 26 *

Welcome to the glasworks and shop, enjoy the historic view of a traditional workmethod that dates back to the 17th century when watching our glassblowers in their everyday work at this smallscaled factory.
+46 070 582 42 50 *

Shop in our farm shop, beautiful things for presents or for yourself. We offer a nice rural surrounding in the village of Sjulsmark just outside of Piteå. Welcome
+46 070-385 87 14

Welcome to our little shop in the mill, you can buy everything from homemade bread to flavored coffee and jams. We also offer home furnishings. Please check out our opening hours at our website - welcome!
+46 070 605 12 59 *

Mattesbäcken Organic Green Tourism invites you to a menu of tastes and experiences. Gården Övre Storfors is ideally situated on Alter Stream's banks, in the delightful environment of the forest's magnificence.
+46 070-686 59 35

Welcome to s i g n e d b y s a r a Here you will find paintings and pottery.
+46 070 361 26 56

Welcome to Signegården, we offer clothes, soap, skincare products amongst other things with en ecological theme. Please contact us for more information about opening hours or make your own reservation to shop for a small group of people.
+46 070 644 40 03

Buy meet in our farm shop. Read more about opening hours at our website, welcome!
+46 070 272 04 07
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