Second hand
Second hand

Small, cozy, antique and curio shop. During wintertime we have open whenever we are home, but make a call in advance. During the summer we also have flea market every day with new financial products all the time. Good parking. Welcome!
+46 070 689 23 82

You can contribute to our relief work by buying or donating clothes, gadgets, books and the like in our second hand stores Meeting the Hive. Thanks for your support!
+46 0911 21 17 86 *

We are Piteå's largest second hand shop with a wide range of used goods! We are very grateful if you donate porcelain, furniture and clothes to us.
+46 0911 25 75 40 *

At Repris we are helping to reduce the burden on the environment by recycling. We do this by repairing and selling Pite residents filed things and it is an important part of the municipality's environmental work. Repris also offers learning sites and investigation of work capacity. Target audienc ...
+46 0911 69 61 77 *
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