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Train at the station
Train at the station. © Pressbild

We make it possible for you to travel, live and live in Norrland.

With six line stretches - from Sundsvall in the south to Kiruna in the north with two arms towards the Norwegian border, Norrtåg is building Norrland together.

Norrtåg is a brand for Norrland's daily train service. We know that many of our travelers commute to work or school. Therefore, the majority of trips are in connection with the beginning and end of the working day.

Together with the county transport companies in the north, we do everything in our power to ensure that the bus and train times are as smooth as possible. For those who go every day, and for those who are looking for the midnight sun, the northern lights, the mountains and fishing.

Norrtåg AB is a client owned by the Regional Public Transport Authorities (RKM) in Norrbotten and Västernorrland, Länstrafikbolaget Västerbotten and Region Jämtland Härjedalen.

Behind the Norrtåg brand is Norrtåg AB, which is owned by the county transport companies in Sweden's four northernmost counties with the task of procuring passenger train traffic there. The overall goal of the traffic is to meet the need for work and education commuting in the region and to create connections with the national train traffic in general.

The employees at Norrtåg AB do not drive trains themselves. However, the company procures an operator, i.e. the person who will carry out the traffic.

View is executor

The train conductor you meet on board, the train driver, the person you talk to at the service center and those who plan timetables and the operations management are all employees of Vy Tåg AB.

Vy Tåg, formerly known as Tågkompaniet, was formed in 1999 to win the tender for Sweden's night train traffic to and from upper Norrland. The company created new frames of reference in a traditional industry, among other things through short decision-making paths and humanity. Today, Vy's head office is in Gävle and their traffic assignments are in the counties of Värmland and Gävleborg, among others.



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