Jag har under mina 20 år som grundskollärare i Piteåkommun saknat forskning i vår praktik. Umeå universitet i samverkan med Piteåkommun erbjuder lärare en magisterutbildning och som ger möjligheten att utföra skolnära forskning.
Magisterutbildningen har gett mig en ny syn på mitt yrke, min kunskapssyn och lärargärning.
Presentation av pågående studier vid nationell forskningskonferens i pedagogiskt arbete
Umeå universitet, 19-20 augusti 2019
Abstract nedan är hämtat från forskningskonferensens hemsida.
Science teacher’s construction of meaning in their own practice
The purpose with this study is to examine how science teachers view/look upon their own practise and to give the science teacher a voice. How do they create their own practise in their own school context? The goal is to find a more complex answer to why so many science teachers want to quit their jobs.
To examine above mentioned goal a semi-controlled narrative interview of nine teachers who have worked at least ten years as a science teacher with students in the age of 12 to 16 years old is going to be recorded. The interview is going to take place in their own school-environment to put the teacher in to the right context and continue for at least one hour, autumn 2019. This to give a rich and broad material to work with.
Theoretical framing:
The study will use Bourdieu and his concept of field, habitus and foremost illusio. Illusio is the relationship between the field, in this case the science school practice and the player in this case the teacher. The agents who are caught up in the illusio is well adapted to the field and are mastered by the field and other agents who is not familiar with the field think that this relationship is an illusion. Therefore, it is important that the interviewer is, in fact a science teacher who can understand the field and the illusio.
Expected outcomes:
The ambition is to give the science teacher a voice, to view how science teachers are experiencing their illusio ant try to explain in such a way that other people who is not familiar with the field and the illusio can understand the science teachers’ dilemmas.
Many science teachers quit their job, not so many are starting a carrier as a science teacher. Many studies are made on science teachers fewer try to understand the teacher’s situation and therefore this study is important.
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