In accordance with the EU’s Temporary Protection Directive, which takes effect when you register with the Swedish Migration Board upon arrival in Sweden, your child has the opportunity to attend Swedish school while you are living in Sweden.
The Temporary Protection Directive provides the right to participate in education on exactly the same terms as Swedish students. The only difference is that attendance at school for your child is not compulsory, as it is for Swedish children. Attendance at school is therefore voluntary, and you should regard this as an offer. However, if you (as the child’s parent/guardian) accept the offer, the child will be expected to participate fully in all the elements of schooling that are offered, as continuity is essential if the learning process is to be effective and beneficial for your child. All teaching is conducted in accordance with the Swedish curriculum and course plans.
If you, as a parent/guardian, would like your child to attend Swedish school during the period of your stay in Sweden, please contact Utbildningsförvaltningen by letter, telephone or email. You and your child/children will then be invited to attend an admission meeting, where an interpreter will also be present. At the admission meeting, you will receive more information about what your child’s schooling in Sweden will involve.
Find contact information in the letters below:
Welcome letter, preschool
Welcome letter, primary school
Welcome letter, high school
вітальний лист, початкова школа
вітальний лист,вища школа
This is the Swedish school system
Swedish schools are for all children who live in Sweden. School is to be safe and offer peace and quiet so that everyone is able to work and thrive. This section is about how the pre-school class, compulsory education and upper-secondary education work in Sweden.
English (Engelska) - Utbildningsguiden (
Про шведську школу
Шведська школа призначена для всіх дітей, які проживають у Швеції. Школа повинна бути безпечною і забезпечувати тишу та спокій, щоб кожен міг працювати і добре почуватися. У цьому розділі розповідається про те, як функціонують дошкільні заклади, основна та середня шкільна освіта у Швеції.
Українська (Ukrainska) - Utbildningsguiden (